The Candle of Hope

I wonder if that’s what hope is
A flame, twisting and burning…

In the Christian tradition, the Candle of Hope is the first candle lit for advent season. I thought it was fitting to have our first creative item be based on that idea. I hope you enjoy this free-write poem, “Candle of Hope.”

I wonder if that’s what hope is
A flame, twisting and burning
Threatening to go out at the smallest puff of air
And yet

Still lighting up the dark places
Still blazing against the shadows of the night
Pushing back the fear of what might come
Powerful nonetheless
For as long as you look with it
You will see hope

So give me a fire
It doesn’t have to be big
Just something to cling to
Something to give me a bit of light

And then on from me
It can spread
A ray of hope
Of joy to the world

Share hope this Christmas season. Merry Christmas!

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