
The Scribe of Worlds is dedicated to producing stories worth reading, philosophy worth considering and edifying everyone who comes across it.

Come, wander the worlds with us.

The Rise of the Worlds

I grew up in a small town just outside of Syracuse, New York. My family ran a small farm, which was spacious enough that it allowed me to roam free and run rampant with my imagination. I created worlds upon worlds to play in. Sometimes, I would steal ideas from books. Other times, it was completely from myself.

Looking back, I can honestly say that I had dozens, if not hundreds, of worlds in my mind.

As I grew older, I took those worlds, and the adventures I had there, and began to formulate them into stories. In 2014, I participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), thanks to the encouragement of my co-worker. In the fall of 2015, around my second time participating in NaNoWriMo, I set up Glorious Mess, a gathering of other aspiring authors.

As I wrote, I realized I loved to share my stories with others. I began to imagine touching the world through my writing, secretly dreaming of becoming a New York Times Bestselling author. Upon the advent of college, however, my plans took a drastic shift.

Where Should I Stand?

In 2016, I start at a local community college and took an American Sign Language course to get my foreign language credit out of the way. By the end of the semester, I had changed my major and began to pursue an interpreting degree.

After graduation, I transferred to the interpreting program at Liberty University. I am now in my final semester, in one last internship before my graduation.

But if I’ve learned anything through these past years, it’s that our plans rarely work out how we expect them to.

While at Liberty, I rediscovered my love for writing – including a reignited passion for discussing philosophy and theology. More than that, I had a strong feeling that interpreting wasn’t going to be where I ended up.

I was left with a strange sense of displacement. I wasn’t sure where I belonged, if I belonged anywhere at all.

Yet, at the same time, I felt like wherever I was in life was exactly where I was supposed to be.

Return to the Worlds

I still don’t have all the answers, but I’ve realized I don’t need to have all of them. I work wholeheartedly on my interpreting skills, knowing that it’s a job I will always love.

At the same time, though, I have begun to return to the worlds that have never truly left my mind. My childlike imagination, now strengthened with maturity, are taking what I had initially planned and building on them in ways that I couldn’t have believed.

So come with me. Be challenged. Grow in your mind and in your strength. Discover more about who you are.

Come and Wander the Worlds

Where to Go Now?

If you’re looking for more about me personally, check out The Scribe’s Journal, the intermittent blog of life events and musings along the way on my journey to where I stand now.

If you’re looking to get lost in the Worlds, feel free to take a look at The Library

Maybe you need a change in your music collection – check out Describe Sterling, my musical endeavors.

Want to keep up to date on what’s going on? You can subscribe to this website or follow me on Facebook or Instagram. Facebook is preferential, as emails typically get sent to spam and Instagram doesn’t always get updated.

Finally, there’s the less exciting link of the Privacy Policy if you’re interested in reading.

As you browse through this website, enjoy.

And, as always, Wander Well.

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