Describe Sterling

Who (or What) is Describe Sterling?
Describe Sterling is the musical outlet for the Scribe of Worlds. Just like the parent site, Describe Sterling exists to create songs that propagate philosophies worth considering, stories worth sharing and edifying anyone who comes across it.
What does Describe Sterling mean?
First off, let’s talk about “sterling”: Sterling is the most pure form of silver. On one hand, I have no expectations that what I’ll produce is going to be gold-worthy. On the other, silver (in quite a few circles) is more useful than gold. (And if nothing else, Describe 14 Karat just sounds pretentious and ridiculous).
Therefore, I am trying to Describe (expose, express, explain and probably other words that don’t begin with ‘exp’) pure truth and value. It might not be what the world sees as the highest quality or most valuable, but by all hopes, it will be just as useful, if not more.
I also thought it looked better in calligraphy than “Southwicke Music.”
Where can I listen to Describe Sterling music?
Look, Spotify is 1. a hassle and 2. I don’t have anything refined enough to put on there yet. I’m working on it, but in the meantime, you can enjoy (or suffer through, depending) the few videos I have on my YouTube channel, naturally named Describe Sterling (formerly Southwicke Music).