To Be Refreshed

I didn’t want to leave that morning.

I dragged my feet, mumbling about how there was more to pack and more to prep. I found myself on the couch, watching the minutes tick away, telling me I had to get on the road. I debated on what stops I needed to make that day, but finally, time was out and I had to go.

That was Monday, at home in NY. It’s Wednesday morning now, and I’m sitting in The Local Bean Coffee Shop in Hudson, North Carolina.

I feel refreshed.

The Morning Drive

At first, I felt like I was moving fast. Exits passed in a blur of green and white, the road flowed underneath me and I was on my way.

Then the road stretched out, and miles felt like hours. I looked at the clock, expecting to see the afternoon, but finding I was still in the morning.

Still in PA.

I have never felt anything more draining than this morning drive. I wanted to be excited, but I felt nothing except my energy draining away.

I passed into Maryland, hoping that the shortness of the state would improve my mood and make me feel accomplished. Instead, it felt moot. Like, why have a state there if it’s only going to be 10 miles?

West Virginia was similar. I was moving, yes, but it felt like molasses in January – inching forward, and if you tip the bottle back just enough, you’ll need to start all over again.

The roads changed in Virginia, pulling me away from the open highways to cramped backroads that wound up hills and through forests. I hoped the requirement for more attention would make me more alert and energetic, but it was just more stressful.

A Glass of Water

After risking life and limb through the woods, facing down trucks twice my size, but somehow squeezing by them as they roared past, I arrived at my friend’s house.

Cameron “Camsterminator” Anderson was the spirit of the quad my first semester. A senior who was only attending on-campus for one semester, Cam brought our chaotic group of girl-crazy boys and made us into brothers.

He was standing on the deck when I pulled in, his signature smile spreading across his face. As I stepped out of the car, he spread his arms open wide and shouted, “Yooo!!!! Lije!!!!!”

(I should mention here that there are only about three or four people in this world who I like to call me Lije – and Cam is firstmost in that group)

Instantly, all of the dreariness and drudge of the drive was gone. The lonely miles became worth it to see the cheerful face of friendship and fellowship.

He offered me water, apologizing for the lack of any other drinks, but he had already done for me what no soda could have.

I still had another two hours to drive that night, but they felt like minutes compared to the morning drive. There was still work to do, but I felt rested.

I felt refreshed.

The Feeling of Refreshment

Being refreshed is hard to pin down. We look for rest, hoping that will make us feel better, but often times, it only leads to drowsiness and the sensation that we’re accomplishing nothing.

In reality, rest is the hardest work of all, because of that very fact. To value rest, and not be discouraged when we seek it, can be draining – which is not restful!

Like I said, I’m writing this from The Local Bean Coffee Shop. I was about an hour and a half away in Charlotte this morning with one of my best friends, Ryan, another person who is refreshing, no matter how late we’re up.

I don’t know how this shop popped up in my maps – it wasn’t there when I first looked. But not only is it about 15 minutes from where I’m going next, it’s Christian owned and operated. There are Bibles for sale and worship music playing in the background.

Having needed a place to hunker down and get work done, this place is a God-send. I’m still groggy – a deflating air mattress will do that to you (my fault, not my host’s) – but I’m rested and refreshed. I’m taking the moments where I can find them, and appreciating them as much as I can.

This trip didn’t necessarily start well. It was a long morning filled with doubts and fears. But it’s going well. And I know that at the end, I’ll look back and be glad I came.

I know that, just like life, this trip will have highs and lows. I don’t look forward to the hard times, but I want to face them well. So in the meantime, I’m resting and readying.

There’s still more to do today. But for now?

I’m refreshed.

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