New Tricks

Today’s post comes from Zenna Preli, who has so many roles in my life I don’t even know where to start. As she said, ‘I just had fun writing this,’ and I hope that you have fun reading it!

He looked in the mirror and wrinkled his nose. The red and plaid wool sweater was showing it’s age and there were some interesting smells he couldn’t quite place. His was also more grey which looked more pronounced against the festive garb. Last year they had asked if he would wear the reindeer antlers with the jingle bells as well. He didn’t answer… so they took that as a yes and placed them on his head. This year the tinkle was a bit fainter but still annoying. He snorted: all this fuss just to meet a new pack of youngsters.

A new group arrived every year, always near the holiday, beginning a year of training that would decide their future fate. As always he wondered why this was the outfit they wanted him to wear: it was certainly not one that commanded respect, but invited whimsy and frivolity. Not worthy of one that had had a life of service.

He sighed and tried to work the kinks out of his knee. They called for him: it was time. He started the long walk down the hall: the usual crew was there for the march: they greeted him with smiles and waves and pats on the back. “Walter, get’em!” “Wally-boy show them who is boss!” “Mr. Stevens, work your magic!”

The walk seemed longer this time. He was really feeling his age. Maybe this was the last year. Maybe the jacket would be passed to another, younger, more energy, more pizazz.

Would he miss it? The door at the end of the hall drew near and he could hear the whipper-snappers cavorting and loudly trying to establish the pecking order. Walter knew that within moments of meeting these boys and girls his instincts would kick in and he would know… he would know. Over the weeks the group would dwindle quickly leaving only the best and brightest. But today, he would know.

The door opened and all eyes turned to him. He hid his arthritic limp and appeared to all in the room to be in charge and fit for service. Because it was about service. He had done his time but could still teach this batch.

The adults coaxed the youngsters to sit and hush up. Walter walked up and down the line, looking them up and down, the room heavy with concentration and curiosity. He spotted the likely candidates right away. Not the biggest or the most attractive…. but the brightest eyes and the ones that tilted their head just so and met his gaze unwavering.

He gave an almost unperceiveable nod to his favorites. But those guesses would be proved later. He barked his order of release…. they all ran to him sniffing him and licking him and tugging his ears…. he was ready to help train this new set of service dogs. The coat would be his at least this year.

And this old dog can still teach new tricks….

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