The Wanderer’s Way


The Latest from the Wanderer’s Way

The Wanderer’s Way #2: What a Wanderer Is Not – Part 1

As I said previously, for some, the label of ‘wanderer’ will make their skin crawl. And there is nothing wrong with feeling that way. I am not here to convince everyone, only to posit my thoughts with hopes of making you think about your own perspective on life.

However, to those who are feeling this way, I want to be perfectly clear by what I mean by ‘wanderer.’ To do so, I will first address what a wanderer is not.

First, to be a wanderer does not mean that you walk alone, or that you are the only one to walk the path that you’re on.

While it is true that having a wanderer mindset will produce cherishing one’s individual journey, it should not lead you to believe that your journey is so individual and unique that they must walk alone. On the other hand, it realizes that there are parts of our journey that are similar, and draws on what others have learned in order to make our own journey easier.

As we wander through life, it is easy to say, “You know nothing of my journey – how do you think you can give me advice?”

In fact, we should be saying just the opposite. “The world did not provide me with a map – I don’t know what the terrain looks like ahead. Will you share your experiences with me so I can learn from them?”

In this way, as we wander, we are students of those who have experienced a similar road. Just like your time in school, how you use the information given is up to you.

Now, before those of you who are sick of hearing advice reject this entirely, and those of you who love to give advice rejoice, hear me out. Except for very few situations, it is the responsibility of the one receiving the advice to ask for it. If they do not, then do not be hasty to share your mind.

Let me say this again: If advice is not wanted, be wary of offering it.
And let me say this as well: If advice is offered, do not immediately resist it.

I will only touch on this for now, but I promise to revisit it before our time is up.

With this being said, examine yourself when you reject advice. Do you do it because you truly know it doesn’t apply to you? Or do you raise your fist against it because of your pride?

Wander Well.


Read the Archive:

  1. To Wander Well

An introduction to the series: If life does not provide us with a map, what else can we do but wander? If we are to wander, let us wander well.


2. What a Wanderer is Not – Part One

To be a Wanderer does not mean that you’re alone on the path you walk – though there may be generational differences, there have been people who have walked the path before you. When they offer advice, don’t scorn it, but consider it well.


3. What a Wanderer is Not – Part Two

To be a Wanderer does not mean that you do not have goals, or that you wander listlessly through the world. Instead, it means that you seek your betterment and the betterment around you. If nothing else, you should be wandering toward maturity.